Welcome to our monthly newsletter Inspiring True Performance!
This month let's talk about: Attitude!
Your Attitude, NOT your Aptitude, WILL determine your Altitude. Mr. Ziglar use to say that we all need a checkup from the neck up to prevent hardening of the attitude caused by stinking thinking! We all have " stinking thinking" from time to time, but that kind of attitude will keep you from achieving your life goals. Did you know that attitudes can be caught? A positive or a negative attitude will have positive or negative result because attitudes are contagious. You can choose to be positive and contagious by choosing the words you use or choosing your body language or how you control your self-talk.
When you are feeling great and happy and then spend time with someone who is complaining and griping, it can sap your energy and then you feel negative. But if you are not feeling excited or genuinely nice to be around and everyone else around you are happy and cheerful then you get enthusiastic. Be very careful about a little-known disease called PLOM, it is a serious condition. You may have heard about this disease called Poor Little Old Me! Be aware of the deposits you are making into your mind. Are they positive? Or are they negative? The choice is yours!
Winners believe that something good can come from every situation, even when it cannot be seen . . . this is where faith comes in! Napoleon Hill said, "every adversity contains the seed or an equivalent of greater benefit." We may not be able to see it, but it is there! Every cloud has a silver lining!
“Attitude is a reflection of character, and character is a reflection of habit.”
~ Tom Ziglar
Kind regards,
Lisa M. David
Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer, Speaker, Coach